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Index of Letters
This is a complete listing of the 184 letters from the personal papers of Gov. Charles Robinson held in the Kansas State Archives at the Kansas Historical Society that were identified as pertaining directly to Robinson's time at Haskell and were used in the development of this website. These letters were photographed by Jancita Warrington and indexed and transcribed by Travis Campbell in 2018. More information on the Robinson papers can be found at the Kansas State Historical Society's website.
Date | Author | Description of Contents |
1888.01.06 | Edgar McCassey, et. al. | Petition asking to have dances after study hours. |
1888.01.16 | Alvin Wood | Wants to send his 20 year old son to school at Haskell. Asks Robinson to send terms by Beaver Saucy Calf. |
1888.01.16 | Big Hart | Wants son, Walter Scott, to return home. Willing to send him back to Haskell afterwards. |
1888.01.19 | Gorman | Osages promised to send their children to Haskell. Granting authority to Special Agent Heath to facilitate in expediting the sending students to Haskell. Authorizes payment to Hayes to send to his home as his children may need it. |
1888.01.21 | S.F. Tappan | President spoke complimentary of Robinson and Haskell. |
1888.01.23 | L.W. Miller | Apology for conduct last Saturday for being under the influence of alcohol. |
1888.01.26 | Lillie M., Paul J. Hogan | Lillie and Paul Hogan charge Ernest Black, acting major of battalion, with conduct unbecoming an officer or student. (Became loud and rough, and kicked door violently.) |
1888.01.27 | Leonard W. Tyler | Ready to return to Haskell next Monday, arriving on Tuesday. Not able to get any children to go with him, but will get five Cheyenne chiefs to go with him when he returns. |
1888.02.01 | John Beaver | Asks about daughter, has not heard from her since her arrival at Haskell. Wants her home in 26 days. |
1888.02.03 | Julia Stand | Letter to Robinson for letter writing day. Hopes that Haskell will be the largest school in the United States someday. Students like Robinson, school has improved under him, and students wish him to stay, glad people of Lawrence have done so much for them. |
1888.02.03 | Louise A. Thompson | Received Robinson's letter, doing well in studies. Asks how all are getting along at Haskell. Was glad to see cousins and schoolmates, bad lessons because of no study hour. |
1888.02.06 | V.W. May | James Hutchinson confined to bed with pulmonary troubles, most likely fatal if her remains at Haskell. Also recommends return home of John Guy as he cannot live long here. |
1888.02.06 | David Ah-ka-pa-kish | Wants boys sent home at once and encloses money for them. |
1888.02.09 | E.C. Osborne | Letter from Indian Agent. Bearer, Joseph Howell, is a Pawnee who visits the school to see his son. Joseph is a good man and will appreciate any kindness shown him. |
1888.02.12 | Geo. Wells | Plans for dormitory are ready for tracing. Will be ready to send in two weeks. |
1888.02.13 | Gorman | Confidential letter. No delay in construction of new building. No news about new Indian School superintendent. Encourages Robinson to write to President. |
1888.02.16 | E.C. Osborne | Letter from Indian Agent. Annie DeLodge's father, John DeLodge, has been receiving letters from her expressing her wishes to return home and he wishes her sent home immediately. Agent trusts that Robinson will act in the best interest of the child. |
1888.02.17 | Miller Red Wolf | Wants to return to Haskell, has sent Cheyenne boys here. Currently working as a farmer. |
1888.02.20 | Chas. Steinfort | Letter from Missionary. Mr. McCoonse is in very poor health and wishes to see his children, Eliza, Anna, and Mary. Sends fare to Ottawa and will return them after two weeks as well with 9-year old son. Tried to convince Rufus Caleb and Oscar McCoonse to return to Haskell with no luck. |
1888.02.27 | Geo. Wells | Plans for proposed dormitory and dining hall presented to Robinson. |
1888.02.28 | Geo. Leis | Telegraph: Building being pushed, have Robinson forward estimates for road and water pipes quickly. |
1888.02.29 | S.S. (?) Lamont | President has received letter regarding compulsory school attendance for Indian children and has directed it to the Secretary of the Interior. |
1888.03.09 | Webb Hayes | Was at Chilocco for two years, but did no good as it was too close to Indian Territory. Thinks it is easier to stop speaking Native language than to use tobacco and feels it is important to learn English. |
1888.03.09 | Ceclia M. Degee | Letter to Robinson for letter writing day. |
1888.03.09 | Elsie Davis | Father is sick and she would like to go home. Brother is getting married at Carlisle. Promises to return if allowed to go home. |
1888.03.12 | Eva Anderson | Laundress asking for wage increase from $45 to $50 per month. Feels her work, with little help, is as valuable to the school as other employees. |
1888.03.14 | Charles C. Campbell | Letter to father. Has had sore neck, father never writes to him, asks why. Wants to return home in the summer and would like money and moccasins. |
1888.03.16 | Edgar McCassey | Reached Kaw Agency, payment had been made day before his arrival. Most likely return in a week with two or three boys. |
1888.03.20 | Discussing teacher complaints of being overworked. Offers to fill their positions with teachers who are capable if necessary. | |
1888.03.23 | G.D. ? | Re: Letter #110, Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency has no record of a boy named Charles C. Campbell being sent to Haskell. Letter returned to Robinson. |
1888.03.23 | Charles Robinson | Josiah Patterson appointed to visit Pawnee reporting to the agent, Osborne, and visit Ward Beecher, who wants to return to Haskell. Authorized to bring back potential pupils who are in good health and would like to come. |
1888.03.27 | Carroll H. Tolle(?) | Runaways, Theodore Harvey and Ben Harrison, are at Osage Agency. Superintendent Fagan notified to hold them until Robinson sends for them. Acting Agent Tollen will also withold their annuity payment if they are there during the next payment on April 15. |
1888.03.28 | O.E. Learnard | Home all day, telephoned from Journal office that there was communication from "Alpha" regarding the Journal's position on "Patron question." |
1888.03.29 | Jas. R. Murie | Bringing about eight children, mostly boys, from Ponca. Could've brought four more girls but was not able to see their parents. Many more children anxious to come to Haskell. |
1888.03.30 | E.C. Osborne | Returned check for $5 which Robinson forwarded hiim for H.W. Beecher. He passed through without Osborne seeing him and had gone before he was able to get it to him. |
1888.04.11 | Ellen McCoonse | Mr. McCoonse has died, everyone else is well. Asks Robinson to look after children, Annie had lice last time she was home. Hopes to visit children at Haskell in April. |
1888.04.12 | Annie E. Turpin | Application for position of matron at HI. |
1888.04.12 | Ralph J. Meeks | Pawnee man thanking Robinson for work "evelvating" younger generation to the "highest type of civilization." |
1888.04.14 | L.W. Miller | Difficulty with Primeaux, apology for misruly conduct, promises to be obedient and follow rules. |
1888.04.14 | L.W. Primeaux | Difficulty with Mills, apology for fight, first time he has lost his temper, forgives Mills and holds nothing against him or the school. |
1888.04.14 | John J. Ingalls | Receipt of previous letter, asking for Robinson's desires/opinions on Senate Bill 1227, pending before committee on Indian Affairs |
1888.04.16 | V.W. May | Dr. May asking for Robinson to detail Emma Brien as assistant nurse, wants to warn boys to keep off wet ground to prevent illness. |
1888.04.18 | V.W. May | Dr. May correcting previous statement of only six cases of illness, corrected number is eight in last four months. |
1888.04.24 | Josiah Patterson | Patterson discusses trouble in dining room that morning. Asks Robinson to put someone in there. |
1888.04.26 | Chas. Fagan | Discussion of Catholic Indians, asking for recommendation letter to present to department. Mentions position was given him without asking or recommendations on file. |
1888.05.01 | Jno. W. Swope | Club meeting discussion, Robinson had issues with Jeffersonian Club wanting to censure him for giving priority to Haskell Institute responsibilities. |
1888.05.05 | V.L. Reece | Difficulty with George Savage. Savage left barn door open, took buggie and broke the wheel, swore at Reece and threatened him. |
1888.05.09 | Edgar McCassey, et. al. | Why are We Dying Petition |
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